Why Lion of Judah Academy
If you are looking for a Christian-centered, academically challenging, educational environment, L.O.J.A. may be the place you are looking for, for you and your child's spiritual and educational needs.
L.O.J.A. is Pre-K through 12th grade and we use the A Beka Curriculum. The strength of our educational program lies with dedicated Christian teachers who understand that working with children is more than a job: it is a ministry of serving.
Your decision to invest in Christian education is one of the most important and positive decisions you could make for your child's life. It gives them a firm foundation to build on and helps them to know who they are and what is expected from them in life at an early age.
As time progresses, many challenges and blessings will present themselves. Our mission is to build on the foundation that we have and glorify God by reaching children who might otherwise be left behind both spiritually and academically. We believe that given the right opportunities academically, physically, and spiritually, every child can flourish.
Many students who enroll with us have been given labels such as (Specific Learning Disability), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). In too many cases, once a child is labeled with a learning disability it can have a very deep, long-term, physical effect on the child. Your child may have been labeled as having one of these learning disabilities, but we believe they are learning differences, not disabilities.
This type of student needs to learn differently, and so we teach them using the principles of multiple intelligence theory. This principle of smaller classes, where the teachers know each child and recognize the need to teach differently is extremely effective. The students are able to learn differently, in a manner suited for them. Most students want to learn and can learn when you match their learning abilities with the appropriate presentation and evaluation methods. At LOJA we use this principle every day, with every student. The families who are drawn to LOJA are amazed at the results; they are the salt of the earth and they have entrusted us to help rear their children for the plan that God has for them. LOJA does everything within its power to help build on its foundation to establish growth so your children can flourish. LOJA is committed to preparing your students for life.
At L.O.J.A children are taught that they matter and know that God has a plan for their lives.
Core Values
Cultivating a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
Commitment to Scripture
Culture of Prayer
Lifestyle of Worship
Connection to Community
Passion for Excellence
If you have any questions after reading through this section of the website or if you want to set up a tour/interview, please click here to contact us!